Просмотр по производителям: Emblaze Research

Код производителя: EMBLAZE

The Company, was incorporated and registered in Israel in the 19 January 1994 under the Israeli Companies Law as a private company limited by shares under the name GEO International Computer Based Training Ltd. On 5 November 1995, the Company’s name was changed to Geo Interactive Media Group Ltd. On 25 September 1996, the Company was re-registered as a public company. On 5 February 2001, the Company’s name was changed to Emblaze Systems Ltd. On 3 July 2003 the Company’s name was changed to Emblaze Ltd. On 5 August 2014 the Company changed its name to B.S.D Crown Ltd . The Company’s registered number is 52-0042920. The Company, registered on the London Stock exchange as LSE: BSD. The principal legislation under which the Company operates is the Israeli Companies Law and all related regulations made thereunder.

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