Просмотр по производителям: Novacom Technologies

Код производителя: NOVACOM

The growing identity in software technology, the company is a dream of dedicated team of professionals who have themselves grown up with the I. T. revolution in India and abroad. Bringing in, a combinedexperience of over 25 years with them the directors of the company have developed and nurtured this project to its present size and shape. Not remaining just mute witness to the expeditious progression it has itself made strident efforts to positioning itself at the levels from where it can offer comparable evaluation in the I. T. sector. This was a result of consistent contribution of its core team and the dedicated faculty members and the management group that have collectively worked for its present image and striving to further improvise its services and education related fields. Novacom has diversified into various Strategic Business Units for its all round growth thereby allowing it to expand manifold and also offering growth related opportunities to the various people connected with the company.

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