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Manufacturer Code: MOSTEC

For more than 40 years Mostec Ltd. has offered numerous services in electronic development and manufacturing of electronic hardware and firmware. 1973 the company was founded by Christian Moser in Liestal, Switzerland. In 1983 a change of corporate form took place. Mostec Ltd. became a limited company with a capital stock of CHF 300,000. In 1986 Mostec Ltd. moved into present production site at Lausenerstrasse 13a in Liestal. It is a building with spacious and modern rooms, containing a pick and place assembly robot, a modern full convention oven as well as state-of-the-art testers and measuring instruments. The long-time business owner Christian Moser passed the management to his son Alex Moser in 2012. They form a powerful leadership team. They both focus on customer orientation, comprehensive solutions and innovative Currently around 12 employees are engaged and Mostec Ltd. offers apprenticeship. Due to the extraordinary commitment of its staff Mostec Ltd. is a powerful, reliable and competent partner for customers as well as suppliers.

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Browse Mostec / DC Electronic Components